My success is years of practice, projects small and large, carried out for sole traders, medium and large corporations. With over 200 satisfied clients, my success is based on years of experience, projects small and large . Tons of printed leaflets, catalogs, posters and business cards. We also design covers for scientific journals. We provide graphic products to pharmaceutical companies.
Graphical Stroke also provides large format advertising: on house facades, galleries, inside museum rooms. I design and print exhibitions for museums, government organizations and and the public use. Our works have been presented in The Hague, New York, Vienna, Geneva, Krakow and Ukraine. My graphic designs can also be found on t-shirts, mugs, and other gadgets that we proudly display in photos posted on social media.
Change? Yes, it is possible. I can make a miracle happen.
I handle all orders creatively, accurately, quickly and flexibly, working with suppliers from all over Europe.
Graphical Stroke is based on the experience and passion that Tomasz Karawajczyk signs his name.
Tomek is an excellent graphic designer - he has designed my webpage and prepared graphics for me, which are marvelous. He is very talented and creative person.
Tomasz works very good and quickly. In the short time with exelent results! It's a pleasure to work with Tomasz
Graphical Stroke is handelsnaam van Tomasz Karawajczyk die gevestigd is aan Van den Boschlaan 59 6717 ZD Ede en ingeschreven in de Kamer van Koophandel onder de nummer Arnhem onder nummer KVK 81945299. respecteert de privacy van alle gebruikers van haar website. Wij zorgen ervoor dat de persoonlijke informatie die u ons verschaft vertrouwelijk wordt behandeld. Om u zo goed mogelijk van dienst te kunnen zijn slaat zowel uw persoonlijke data als niet-persoonlijk identificeerbare data op.